Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Treatment

in San Antonio, TX
Have you had enough of long nights of snoring and even longer days of exhaustion? You or your partner may be living with sleep apnea. Though it can diminish sleep quality for you and your partner and cause pervasive side effects, it can be managed.  To learn more about your sleep disorder treatment options, visit Dr. Joseph Perry and the River City Dental Solutions team in San Antonio, TX.
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man with sleep apnea snoring at night in his bed

How Does This Disorder Affect Me?

With obstructive sleep apnea, your slumber is interrupted. How?

After you fall asleep and the muscles in your throat grow slack and block your upper airway, you stop breathing — over and over again. As a result, it can cause serious strain on your body and greatly influence the degree of rest you achieve.

The risks of untreated obstructive sleep apnea are steep and can especially impact your heart. Plus, anyone can have this condition. By seeking a solution for your sleep disorder, you can help to prevent symptoms big and small, from daytime sleepiness to heart disease.

happy young couple with beautiful smiles

Common Side Effects

Of Sleep Apnea

As Dr. Perry learned during his own diagnosis, those with obstructive sleep apnea aren't just affected by snoring. They may also struggle with:

  • Irritability
  • Lack of focus
  • Dry mouth
  • Exhaustion
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty sleeping

Unlike what stereotypes about the disease may portray, anyone can still struggle with sleep apnea, no matter their age or size. Take good health into your hands—and prevent side effects like high blood pressure—by visiting us or setting up an appointment for your partner.

Take It From Someone With Sleep Apnea:

It's Not Just Snoring

“I had sleep apnea and started out in absolute denial. I don’t care, I snore, get over it. Eventually, there’s a choice you have to make. I got involved because I had to succumb to the fact that I had sleep apnea."

— Dr. Perry

I Think I'm Fine.

Are There Any Real Treatment Benefits?
Don't take a gamble on your health. Instead, let the team at our San Antonio dental office treat your obstructive sleep apnea. We can give you:

Relief From Side Effects

Are you plagued by daytime sleepiness, frequent headaches, or trouble paying attention? These can all be symptoms of sleep apnea. With help from our team, you can find relief from these side effects and more.

Better Sleep Quality

Brush and floss your teeth every single day. Remember, even though porcelain cannot decay, the underlying tooth structure is still vulnerable to cavities.

Improved Health

This disorder comes at a serious cost to your health, with connections to high blood pressure and heart disease. Though it can damage your heart and increase your risk of death or stroke, our dentist can help decrease your risk of these potential issues.

Peace of Mind

You don't have to live with anxiety or uncertainty about your condition. You also don't have to wait for your problems to snowball into a stroke or an irregular heart rhythm. Visiting us for treatment can protect your overall wellness and give you peace of mind.

Trust a Professional

Who Has Been in Your Shoes

Encouraging your partner to seek care? Or are you anxious about finding help? With Dr. Perry, you won't have to worry about judgment or shaming. He knows what you're going through because he's been on this journey himself.

In addition to trying and testing treatment methods in search of relief from his own obstructive sleep apnea, he has undergone more than five years of extensive sleep apnea training. Now, you can benefit from his experience, starting with a consultation.

Contact our friendly San Antonio, TX, team to begin, or give us a call at  210-941-3657.

Is Sleep Apnea Treatment Eligible for Insurance?

Yes, it is. Many insurance providers in Texas will assist with your diagnosis and treatment, especially since obstructive sleep apnea can cause damaging long-term impacts on your heart and other major systems in the body.

Other Ways You Can Cover Your Care

It's important to remember that sleep apnea treatment is an investment in your long-term health. Even if you don't have insurance, you can still find relief from the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea.

Cash or Card – Our Texas patients commonly use cash or credit cards to cover their consultations and night guards.

Financing – We're happy to work with your budget by accepting flexible financing with our in-house loyalty program.

Free Second Opinions – In select cases, our San Antonio team may be able to offer free second opinions.

Intimidated by CPAP Machines?

Our dentist felt the same way. He researched other solutions to find the right one for himself and his patients.

"I went through everything, including CPAP. I couldn’t do it. Hated the CPAP. Through colleagues, I found out about dental appliances that can be equally effective. I tried them myself and found something I could not only deal with, but now I can’t sleep without it."

— Dr. Perry

Dr. Perry Offers Night Guards:

His Solution for San Antonio Patients

After being diagnosed with sleep apnea, Dr. Perry tried out different sleep medicine options like a continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, machine.

A continuous positive airway pressure device is known for its bulky hardware. Often, it can be loud and uncomfortable, but we offer a simpler alternative: a custom night guard. By wearing it each night, you can ensure that your upper airway is unrestricted, giving you a peaceful slumber.

Your Treatment Timeline

at River City Dental Solutions
Dr. Perry says, "Until you start experiencing a good night’s sleep, you don’t know what you’re missing." If you're curious about treatment, get in touch with us today.

Sleep Apnea Consultation – First, you or your partner will go to our San Antonio, TX, office for an obstructive sleep apnea consultation. Because you've chosen Dr. Perry, who has the condition himself, you'll be able to truly trust in his knowledge and compassion.

Sleep Study – If our dentist believes that you may have sleep apnea, he'll refer you to a trusted local family physician or sleep physician for a sleep study. It will assess how your airways and breathing function at rest, gathering detailed data.

Diagnosis – Once the sleep study is complete, you may receive an obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis. Our dentist can explain what this means, along with your results, so that you're fully informed about your health.

Mouthguard – Our office prefers custom mouthguards to address sleep apnea. Now that you've been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, we can officially begin your treatment and create your device.

Treatment – Each night, you'll wear your personalized mouthguard. As you rest, it will help you breathe properly by keeping your airways open.

A Good Night's Rest – In time, you and your partner will be able to experience the sleep you've both been lacking.

Are There Other Ways

I Can Alleviate My Symptoms?
While there is no substitute for sleep medicine treatments like a mouthguard, you may be able to decrease the severity of your condition by:

Following Sleep Hygiene Techniques

One commonly overlooked contributor to sleep disorders is something called sleep hygiene. The way we prepare for rest can influence our quality of sleep. We may also accidentally condition ourselves into seeing our room as a place for fun, not sleep. Ways to improve sleep hygiene include not drinking large amounts of alcohol, staying out of your room until bedtime, and minimizing screen time in the evening.

Considering Lifestyle Changes

Little lifestyle changes all add up, like exercising and eating well. They also have the added benefit of helping you stay within a suitable weight range, which can make a big difference in your symptoms. Not sure where to start? The best way to consistently move is to find an activity that you genuinely enjoy, like playing a sport with friends or taking long, peaceful walks.
River City Dental Solutions office in San Antonio, TX

River City Dental Solutions

The team at River City Dental Solutions serves the needs of the greater San Antonio, TX, area with state-of-the-art technology and the latest innovative techniques. We can provide you and your family with beautiful smiles through a variety of procedures including:

To schedule an appointment at our dental office, contact us online or call 210-941-3657.

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Sleep Apnea in San Antonio, TX

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