River City Dental Solutions PLLC

Six Reasons for Porcelain Veneer Replacement

Mar 7, 2019 @ 10:00 AM — by Joseph Perry, DDS
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers can dramatically enhance your smile by concealing a range of cosmetic flaws, such as gaps, chips, and discoloration. With proper care, these high-quality, custom prosthetics can last for decades.

However, patients should be aware that veneers will eventually need to be replaced. Here, our team at River City Dental Solutions in San Antonio, TX explores six reasons for porcelain veneer replacement and explains how you can maintain your veneers for years of wear.

#1: Breakage

Despite your best efforts, porcelain veneers can chip, crack, or break. Dental porcelain is highly durable, but not as resilient as natural enamel.

Veneers can crack if you continually bite into extremely hard, sticky, or crunchy foods.

Additionally, teeth grinding or clenching, also referred to as bruxism, can cause the veneer to fracture, due to excessive stress and pressure. If you habitually grind your teeth, we highly recommend a custom oral appliance to reduce the risk of dental damage.

#2: Discoloration

Porcelain is resistant to staining, but it is possible for the bonding material to become discolored. This can give the edge of your tooth an unnatural yellow appearance.

Further, as time progresses, the veneers themselves can also lose their sheen and become stained.

Finally, your natural teeth may become stained at a faster rate than the veneers. This can result in a difference in color between your treated and untreated teeth.

#3: Decay

Although porcelain is not susceptible to decay, your natural teeth still are. Therefore, if decay affects a tooth with a veneer, the veneer will need to be removed and replaced.

At River City Dental Solutions, we can repair decayed teeth, and also replace your old porcelain veneers with new ones. We use quality materials to create long-lasting and durable results.

#4: Poor Initial Placement

Another reason your veneers may need to be replaced is poor initial placement. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your veneers, we can address the issue.

Our porcelain veneers are manufactured with medical-grade ceramic for a natural look and feel. If you are interested in this option, our doctors will discuss your personal concerns and goals during a consultation at our practice.

#5: Dislodged Veneers

When a veneer becomes dislodged or falls off, it needs to be replaced. If you are able to locate your veneer, store it in a container and bring it with you to our office. We may be able to reattach it. However, in many cases, the fabrication of a new veneer is necessary.

#6:  Dental Cement or Bonding Agents

Though allergies to dental materials are rare, it is possible to develop a reaction to the materials used to bond your veneers into place.

If you suspect an allergic reaction, or notice gingival irritation or swelling, it is important to schedule a dental visit right away.

#7: Wrong Size and Color

If your veneers are the wrong size, shape, or color, it is an indication that they should be replaced. At River City Dental Solutions, we work with you to create the look you desire, and we will make every effort to help you achieve your goals.

We will take time to create veneers that are strong, natural looking, and aesthetically pleasing.

Contact River City Dental Solutions to Learn More

To learn more about porcelain veneer replacement, or to schedule an appointment with one of our doctors, contact us online or call us at (210) 349-3745.