River City Dental Solutions PLLC

Financing Options for Mini Dental Implant Costs

Jan 30, 2015 @ 10:00 AM — by Joseph Perry, DDS
Tagged with: Dental Implants Restorative Dentistry

Patients who have experienced adult tooth loss have many restorative options to consider, but dentists agree that the superior treatment option for tooth loss is dental implants. Dental implants replace not only the missing tooth, but also the lost tooth root, giving patients a dental fabrication that looks, functions, and feels like natural teeth. Unfortunately, dental implants can be a costly and lengthy process. Dr. Joseph Perry offers a faster and more affordable option to his patients in the form of mini dental implants. Mini dental implants offer the security and durability of traditional dental implants but at a fraction of the cost and time. These smaller implants can be placed in a single dental appointment, which greatly cuts down the dental implant cost. Still, mini implants are a significant expense, so we help our San Antonio patients explore mini dental implants costs and financing options to make those costs fit easily into our patients’ budgets.

Costs of Mini Dental Implants

As with any dental procedure, the cost of mini dental implant treatment is affected by many factors. The final cost of mini dental implants will be dependent on how many implants are being placed, what type of material is used for the implants and attached dental restorations, and the experience of the dentist performing the procedure. Additionally, services such as x-rays and CT scans may be performed prior to mini dental implant treatment, which will increase the final cost of treatment. With all of these factors considered, there is a wide range in the cost of mini dental implants. While these costs may seem significant, patients who undergo mini dental implants treatment typically pay about half the cost of those who receive traditional dental implants.

Financing Options

Although mini dental implants are more affordable than traditional dental implants, most patients do need to explore financing options to make this expense fit within their budget. Below are some financing options that may help patients cover the costs of mini dental implants treatment:

Contact Us

If you have suffered from tooth loss and are looking for superior treatment at an affordable cost, you should consider mini dental implants. Contact us to learn more about this advanced form of dental implant treatment and find out if it’s the right choice for you. Dr. Joseph Perry looks forward to meeting you!