Tooth Extraction
in San Antonio, TX
What Is Tooth Extraction?

Why Might Teeth Need to Be Removed?
Broken Beyond Repair – We offer many procedures that can bring a tooth back from the brink. However, in certain cases it is best to simply remove a significantly damaged tooth with extraction.
Severely Decayed – Untreated tooth decay can cause serious infection. If the decay occurs below the gum line, extraction may be the only solution to stop the spread of harmful bacteria.
Overcrowded – There may not be enough room in your jaw to properly accommodate all of your teeth. This can have negative effects on your smile and health, while preventing any tooth nearby from coming in properly.
Wisdom Teeth – Wisdom teeth that do not grow in correctly cause a host of problems. These can include overcrowding, infection, and damage to roots and bones. They are also difficult to keep clean.
Remaining Baby Teeth – Sometimes our first teeth refuse to leave on their own. A baby tooth can block adult teeth from coming in naturally.
Prepare Dental Implants – If you and your dentist decide on dental implants to replace a severely compromised tooth, a tooth extraction will be required prior to proceeding with the dental implants.
What Can Happen if I Put Off Pulling a Tooth?
Leaving teeth in your mouth that should be removed puts you at an increased risk of infection. Gum swelling, oral soreness, and persistent pain in the mouth can all be signs you need a tooth extraction to restore your oral health and relieve discomfort.
By taking care of the problem now, you can immediately move towards a healthier mouth. Our San Antonio, TX, team can conduct a thorough exam to determine if an extraction is the correct dental procedure for you. If so, Dr. Perry can provide virtually painless treatment.
To request a consultation and have any of your questions answered, fill out our contact form or give us a call. Your smile will thank you as soon as you come into our San Antonio office.
How Can I Replace My Tooth?
Tooth Extraction Process
Simple Extraction
Your dentist will administer a local anesthetic to the treatment area so it will be numb during the procedure. Then, they will use dental instruments to gently shift the tooth back and forth to loosen it. At this point, forceps will be used to raise the tooth up and out of your mouth. Finally, your dentist will apply gauze to the tooth area, controlling bleeding and creating the blood clot necessary to promote a healthy recovery.Surgical Extraction
Your dentist or oral surgeon may recommend anesthesia to help you achieve deep relaxation throughout the procedure. Your dentist will incise any tissue necessary and may separate the tooth into smaller pieces. They will then complete the tooth extraction. Afterward, they will suture the area shut and will ask you to bite down on gauze. This final step helps create the blood clot that protects your teeth and bones.After Your Extraction
Controlling Swelling – Swelling is normal following extraction. To minimize swelling, it is recommended to apply ice or a cold compress for the first day.
Relaxing for a Few Days – The best thing for your health is to take it easy for about half a week following the procedure.
No Smoking – Smoking following an extraction can slow down the natural healing process. It can also cause blood clots to become dislodged.
No Straws – Using a straw could add undue pressure to the extraction area, leading to pain and damaging the blood clot.
Stick To Soft Foods – Eating soft, liquid-based foods like soup, smoothies, and yogurt for a few days will help avoid harming your mouth.
Your Comfort and Safety Matter to Us
Your health and happiness are top priorities. We will review your medical history to determine if any of these conditions apply to you:
- Artificial joints
- Diabetes
- Heart defects
- Heart valve damage
- Liver disease
- Compromised immune system
We will make sure to screen you properly for these and more and feel free to let us know any other health concerns you may have. We also want you to be honest with us about your comfort level. If you experience dental anxiety or need any special accommodations, please let us know!
Potential Risks

River City Dental Solutions
The team at River City Dental Solutions serves the needs of the greater San Antonio, TX, area with state-of-the-art technology and the latest innovative techniques. We can provide you and your family with beautiful smiles through a variety of procedures including:
To schedule an appointment at our dental office, contact us online or call 210-941-3657.